Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Tony Bourdier:

  • Member of the scientific board of the University of Nancy 1.

  • Member of the board of the Doctoral School in Computer Science and Mathematics.

Horatiu Cirstea:

  • PC member of RuleML 2011 (International RuleML Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications).

  • Organisation of “Journées nationales 2011 des groupes LAC et GEOCAL du GDR Informatique Mathématique”.

  • Steering committee of RULE.

Yves Guiraud:

  • Organisation of the conference “Operads and rewriting”, http://math.univ-lyon1.fr/~guiraud/or2011 , 2–4 Nov., Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon.

  • Reviewer for the conferences “Rewriting Techniques and Applications 2011” (RTA) and “Conference on Algebraic Informatics 2011” (CAI), for the proceedings of the conference “Operads 2010”, for the journal “Information and Computation”.

Pierre-Etienne Moreau:

  • PC member of AMMSE 2011: 2nd International Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Model-Based Software Engineering, WASDETT 2011: 4th International Workshop on Academic Software Development Tools and Techniques

  • Member of the board of the Doctoral School in Computer Science and Mathematics.

  • Head of the local committee for INRIA “détachements” and “délégations”.

  • Head of the Computer Science department at Ecole des Mines de Nancy.

Sorin Stratulat:

  • PC member of SYNASC'2011 ( 13th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing), IAS'2011 (Seventh International Conference on Information Assurance and Security), CISIS'2011 (Fourth International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems).

  • member of the LITA Laboratory Council.